Thursday, May 5, 2011

City of Yarmouth, NS considering a draconian breed ban plus restrictive pet limit

Provinces and municipal governments must understand the only way to succeed in curbing dog bites is to target the owner not the dog. Dangerous dogs exist in all breeds. It is pointless to target a dog by appearance. The owner must be held accountable for the behavior of his/her dog regardless of breed.

Highlights for the proposed backward legislation include: 

a.. * Limiting the number of dogs, ALL DOGS to 2. If you have more, they must be relinquished to the municipality for destruction. There are no provisions for grandfathering in ‘extra’ dog, nor can you relinquish the dogs to a rescue. 

b.. * there are no provisions for breeders, no provisions for shelters or foster homes. 

c.. * Banning several breeds. 

d.. * requiring insurance for owning a ‘dangerous breed’. 

e.. * requiring a warning sign outside your home to designate you as an owner of a ‘dangerous dog’. 

f.. * If your dog bites, it is automatically designated as a ‘dangerous dog’ no matter what the situation. 

g.. * If you own a dangerous dog you must show that you have an enclosed locked area for the dog, inspection of same can happen at any time without warning. 

h.. * dangerous breeds and dogs designated as dangerous must be leashed and muzzled whenever off their owners property. 

i.. * they can shoot on sight any dog acting ‘fierce or dangerous’.

Locals, please attend the public meeting on May 9, 6:30 PM, at Town Hall Council Chambers, 400 Main Street.

Here is a link to the proposed bylaw.

IF YOU CHOSE to send an email to the city council, please be polite. This town needs tourists and as any one of you might be a potential tourist dollar in the future, you have the right to forewarn them that their town can easily be bypassed should they chose to legislate BSL.

For your convenience here is a list of email contacts for Yarmouth council. ; ;; ; ; 

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