Friday, July 16, 2010

Get Nyood with the DLCC

Get Nyood with the DLCC 
      Join us to Launch "Hershey's Bill" 
        in a Celebration of Dogs    

Sunday July 25th, 2010

When: July 25th

Location: Nyood 1096 Queen St. W (just west of Dovercourt on Queen St.)

Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: $25

Hors D'oeuvres, Cash Cocktails featuring our very own signature "Pup-tini", Silent Auction, Live Auction, Live Band, Celebrity Guests

Band: Featuring Keith Danby and the Screaming Evil Blues Band

DJ: Tom Wrecks


  1. Aside from being for a good cause, this sounds like one great party!

  2. This will be a great party! Bunch "o" crazy dog people :>)
